2007 – Average extent, 4.28 million square km. Minima,
September 16th. An unusual atmospheric pattern with high pressures
over the Central Arctic Ocean and lower pressures over Siberia caused clear
skies in spring and summer, intensifying the melt. However, it is worth noting
NSIDC Research Scientist Julienne Stroeve noted that at this point the seasonal
ice cover was thinner than usual anyway.
2012 – Average extent, 3.41 million square km of sea ice.
Minima, September 13th. In contrast to 2007 when climate conditions
caused the rate of melt, the conditions in this case were much more mild. In fact,
2012 was a stark representation of the declining multi-year ice present in the
Arctic Ocean. This means that the seasonal ice becomes the dominant coverage. Although
the extent was larger than 2007 in some parts of the central Arctic ocean there
was a notable lack of ice in the marginal seas. This is a result of warming sea
surface temperatures inhibiting the formation of seasonal ice in these areas.

Figure 1: cesm.ucar.edu/models/ccsm4.0/
From the above data and Figure 1, courtesy of the NSIDC, it
is clearly evident that sea ice cover is following a decreasing trajectory. In 2012,
the NSIDC noted that the seasonal ice cover forming in spring and winter was
becoming so thin that it no longer required extreme persistent weather to melt
the ice as in 2007. However, the years following returned to a more expected
level of cover representing the continual reduction in multi-year ice, as
opposed to extreme formation drop. However, 2016 is different. 2015-2016 was
the year of El Nino. This means that we should have experienced a disruption in
the pattern, yet this never came. The low levels of seasonal ice coverage
currently occurring the Arctic ocean will result in rapid ice cover loss come
March 2017 and therefore a greater reduction in multi-year ice. It is clear
then that this is not a natural occurrence and the impact we, as humans, are
having on the planet is driving the climate to unchartered territory. This also
provides difficulties when scientists look to predict. The extreme
interconnectedness and apposing feedback cycles make determining a conclusive
list of consequences is near impossible.
Now, on to the important stuff. The Arctic Sea Ice has long
been identified as sensitive to global climate changes. However, more
importantly, changes in the Arctic sea ice is amplified throughout the global
system. The main feedback mechanism involved within the Arctic ocean is the ice
albedo effect. Albedo refers the reflectivity of a surface. The white ice
reflects as much as 90% of solar energy (NSIDC) therefore the approximate 60%
loss in ice cover in the past decade is a significant loss in reflectivity. The
increased energy warms surface temperatures and exaggerates the ice melt. This
excess warmth is fed back into the global climate system increasing the global
temperature. Evidence of this is provided by Screen and Simmonds (2010). Using ERA-interim
they assessed the vertical profile of warming in the Arctic concluding that
arctic amplification as a result of sea ice and snow cover is a key feature in
the warming since 1989. They also noted that winter and autumn surface
temperatures are increasing by 1.6 °C per decade between 1989 and 2008. A trend
that if continued could mean the arctic ocean becomes warmer than the freezing
temperature of sea water (2°C) during winter, meaning no
The results of this consist of a variety of global impacts. Firstly,
and the most direct is the enhanced melting of the Greenland ice sheet and
Antarctic sea ice. Subsequently causing a large sea level rise permanently
flooding low lying land. A secondary yet possibly extremely significant impact
of this reduced ice formation is reduced salinity in the arctic ocean. The arctic
ocean plays a vital role in the continuation of the thermohaline circulation
however salinity is the driver of the water sink that creates Atlantic deep
waters. As water freezes salt is deposited into the remaining water, increasing
the salinity and causing it to sink. A slowing of the thermohaline would result
in less heat being carried to Arctic waters therefore hindering ice reform. However,
it will also hinder the redistribution of heat around the planet. Higher latitudes
would become colder and drier with mid-latitudes becoming hotter and wetter. As
well as causing more coming extreme weather events. A direct impact of rising
sea temperature is the inhibiting the role of oceans as a CO2 sink. As the
temperature of the water increases its ability to absorb CO2 decreases. Due to
the interconnectedness of the global climate system it is easy to get carried
away when discussing the impacts so I have limited the depth of the impact
The question is then; can we change our trajectory? Without the
immediate cooling of our oceans, this feedback will continue to enhance. And with
the Paris 2015 conference aiming to limit global temperature rise by 2°C
this immediate change will come. It is therefore difficult to see is reverse
this trend within the foreseeable future.
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